Author(s): Peter Lynch, John Rothchild
Rating: $$$$
Comment: A stock picker’s handbook. Though prone to exaggeration, the former fidelity fund manager brings great insights on stock picking techniques – A must buy
Q. Which of the following areas is the book best geared at; Investment Philosophy, Hands on Stock Picking, Big Picture/Macro Analysis, Fresh Perspective on Investing, etc?
A. Mainly on stock picking and market timing, everything else is related or incidental
Q. Is this book meant for me?
A. For analysts and fund managers alike
Q. Would it help me become a better investor?
A. Yes, if you are in the game of beating market
Q. Is the style of the book dry and boring?
A. Not at all. A welcome break from more serious books on investing
Q. Is it academically bent and laced with jargon?
A. Heard of “multibagger”? It was coined by none other than Peter Lynch. The concepts are explained in very plain and straightforward language
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