Book Title: Security Analysis
Author(s): Benjamin Graham, David Dodd
Rating: $$$$$
Comment: An Investment Bible for the uninitiated and initiated alike – need I say more
Q. Which of the following areas is the book best geared at; Investment Philosophy, Hands on Stock Picking, Big Picture/Macro Analysis, Fresh Perspective on Investing, etc?
A. All of the above
Q. Is this book meant for me?
A. Very much if you are in the business of managing money. Also meant for people who do not wish to blow their savings and ruin their retirement
Q. Would it help me become a better investor?
A. Yes, if read wisely and implemented smartly
Q. Is the style of the book dry and boring?
A. Yes, the style is dry and boring, but then you are not reading fiction either
Q. Is it academically bent and laced with jargon?
A. Academia or people with academic bent beware! This book is only for practitioners, not preachers. You cannot find a trace of jargon in this book
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